From our production processes came inspiration for many products used in advanced inspections and measurements, bringing efficiency, stability, and high precision to manufacturing and testing.

This is the only film in the world that can measure pressure. Pressure and pressure distribution, which could not be visually observed in the past, can now be easily confirmed.

Thermoscale is a epoch-making new film that enables anyone to measure heat distribution easily by observing variations in density and hue.

UVSCALE is a film that responds to UV light, and changes color depending on the amount of light it is exposed. This makes it easy to see UV light distribution. There are a roll type and a sheet type, with three types for different amounts of light.
Download a copy of the list of Fujifilm part numbers through this button:
No | Product Code | Product Description |
1 | 15501372 | Prescale Super High Pressure HHS 270mm x 10m (Roll type) |
2 | 10518124 | Prescale High Pressure HS 270mm x 10m (Roll type) |
3 | 10518136 | Prescale Medium Pressure MS 270mm x 10m (Roll type) |
4 | 10519162 | Prescale Medium Pressure MW 270mm x 10m (Roll type) |
5 | 10518227 | Prescale Low Pressure LW 270mm x 10m (Roll type) |
6 | 15651567 | Prescale Super Low Pressure LLW 270mm x 6m (Roll type) |
7 | 15651505 | Prescale Ultra Super Low Pressure LLLW 270mm x 5m (Roll type) |
8 | 16636435 | Prescale Extreme Low Pressure 4LW 320mm x 3m (Roll type) |
9 | 16641466 | Prescale Ultra Extreme Low Pressure 5LW 320mm x 2m (Roll type) |
10 | 16267363 | Thermoscale 200C 270mm x 5m (Roll type) |
11 | 15994969 | Thermoscale 100C 270mm x 10m (Roll type) |
12 | 16758087 | UV Scale LM 270mm x 5m (Roll type) |
13 | 16415001 | UV Scale H 270mm x 5m (Roll type) |
14 | 16768446 | Prescale Super Low Pressure with High Temperature LLW 270mm x 10m (Roll type) |
15 | 15819327 | Prescale Super High Pressure HHS 270mm x 200mm (Sheet type) |
16 | 15819315 | Prescale High Pressure HS 270mm x 200mm (Sheet type) |
17 | 15819303 | Prescale Medium Pressure MS 270mm x 200mm (Sheet type) |
18 | 15919298 | Prescale Low Pressure LW 270mm x 200mm (Sheet type) |
19 | 15819286 | Prescale Super Low Pressure LLW 270mm x 200mm (Sheet type) |
20 | 15819274 | Prescale Ultra Super Low Pressure LLLW 270mm x 200mm (Sheet type) |
21 | 16208537 | Thermoscale 200C 270mm x 200mm (Sheet type) |
23 | 16758099 | UV Scale LM 270mm x 200mm (Sheet type) |
24 | 16415037 | UV Scale H 270mm x 200mm (Sheet type) |
25 | 15787184 | PRESCALE SOFTWARE FPD-8010E c/w - Analysis Software x 1 - Dedicated Cover x 1 - Calibration Sheet x 1 |
26 | 16442717 | UV SCALE SOFTWARE FUD-7010E c/w - Analysis Software x 1 - Dedicated Cover x 1 - Calibration Sheet x 1 |